United Ethanol Blog

Watch this page for periodic updates of United Ethanol happenings.


June 20, 2016

FEW expo image


Now in its 32nd year, the FEW provides the global ethanol industry with cutting-edge content and unparalleled networking opportunities in a dynamic business-to-business environment. The FEW is the largest, longest running ethanol conference in the world—and the only event powered by Ethanol Producer Magazine.

From its inception, the mission of the event has remained constant: The FEW delivers timely presentations with a strong focus on commercial-scale ethanol production – from quality control and yield maximization to regulatory compliance and fiscal management. The FEW is also the ethanol industry’s premier forum for unveiling new technologies and research findings. The program extensively covers cellulosic ethanol while remaining committed to optimizing existing grain ethanol operations.

December 17, 2015

Today those same students and teachers (along with several parent chaperones) from yesterdays' class presentation came to our plant! The weather was cold, but bearable. We looked at the corn dump, the tanks, the dryers, the control room, the laboratory, the steam stack, and our cooling towers. It was quite the sight to see so many visitors in the plant at one time. We would also like to thank the truck drivers and farmers delivering corn who patiently waited for the tour to end before driving into the plant, it was worth it!

 We look forward to the opportunity to spend time with the Milton students and teachers again in the future.

 P.S. Thanks for the Christmas card!






December 16, 2015

Chad Campbell and Josh York were invited to Northside Intermediate School in Milton to discuss our United Ethanol facility...and it was fun! They got to meet lots of students from 3 different classes, Mrs. Hemp's class, Miss Hamilton's class and Mrs. Fernan's class. While at the school they were able to discuss with their new friends what it is like at United Ethanol. They talked about the science behind the ethanol process, the farmers, the community impact, the global impact, the jobs, and THE ANIMALS (the kids will get the reason for that being in all caps!)





November 15, 2015

We would like to congratulate Nick Niles on his new promotion.  Nick is now a team lead in operations at United Ethanol.  He started with us on July 23, 2012.  We wish Nick a safe and prosperous career as he begins this new stage in life.

November 6, 2015

Operator Nick Niles coming out of beer column from a Friday afternoon inspection. It's a messy job, but someone has to do it.

Nick Niles beer column inspection

November 5, 2015

HARVEST!! Busy day at UE with corn trucks.

November 4, 2015

On November 3, 2015, we received a complaint from a nearby property owner of a faint dryer odor. United Ethanol staff investigated near the property. A report was filed with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

October 19, 2015

United Ethanol is located in south central WI in the city of Milton, a community who values and embraces its history as it progresses into the future. United Ethanol is proud to be part of both this community and industry. The fuel we produce is a stable solution to relieve pressure on the world from many ailments.  Ethanol brings energy security and independence from oil, good paying jobs to rural America, and lower emissions from the tailpipe of your car versus that of regular gasoline.



The math is simple.  Use 15% of ethanol in the nation’s gas supply, created with natural gas from the U.S., and you will displace energy needs from outside of the U.S.  There are published studies which predict the future based on current data.  This is a failed model, especially in the Ag industry.  Farm yields are up, ethanol yields are up, and ethanol by-products are becoming far more diverse than they were just 5 years ago!  Technology on this scale is young, and getting better all the time.  We are taking a good product and making it great with new technology and a talented workforce.



Many families in Wisconsin and beyond have financially benefitted from ethanol facilities.  In Wisconsin alone, ethanol contributes nearly 16,000 jobs.  This is only 7th best in the nation; other states have even greater job creation due to an industry that has boomed as a result of facilities manufacturing ethanol.  Ethanol families are proud, knowing they are earning an honest living in an advancing industry.  When oil prices drive food prices up, ethanol will be there to drive oil consumption back down, and help keep the food prices down as well.



The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) has estimated that 25%-30% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector.  Considering that ethanol is among the leading commercially available options in reducing greenhouse gasses compared to gasoline, ethanol is more important than ever.  Cars are increasing in numbers on our planet every year.  What is becoming available to us all now are vehicles with higher miles per gallon, and car manufacturing companies who work to reduce total emissions. Imagine though, the improvement if more of those miles were driven on ethanol instead of just gasoline. 


As China is becoming more developed, more advanced, they too are seeing this.  They are the third largest producer of ethanol, behind the U.S. and Brazil, and mandating more use of bioenergy in the very near future.  This is part of the solution to improving the health of our planet, removing petroleum and replacing it with renewable energy and bioenergy will help us preserve our environment, and our very existence.



Help us support this renewable fuel by burning E-10 in your car, and through helping us promote E-15.  Study after study has shown that our cars can burn E-15 just fine.  Let’s stop refining a little bit of oil, and instead, start refining our Ag community.

October 12, 2015

National Farmer's Day is observed annually on October 12th as a day to pay tribute to all farmers throughout American history, it was previous known as Old Farmer's Day.

We here at United Ethanol would like to say thank you today to all the hard working farmers in our community. We recognize the contributions and sacrifices farmers and farm families make every day, so that Wisconsin families can gather together and give thanks with the safest, most reliable, most affordable food supply in the world.




September, 2015

Safely and successfully completed our fall turnaround.  Lots of hard work completed by the United Ethanol team, great job guys!


August, 2015

We set a Plant record of 4,150,748 gallons of ethanol produced in August of 2015!

Excellent job guys!!

June 3, 2015

On June 3, 2015, we received a complaint from a nearby property owner of a dryer odor. United Ethanol staff investigated near the property. A report was filed with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

May 6, 2015

Beautiful Spring day here at UE.

May 4, 2015

Jim Raymond, the always entertaining host of the weekly radio show "Ag-Matters" invited United Ethanol's Chief Operating Officer Chad Campbell to be a guest on Ag-Matters.  They discussed the benefits of ethanol, debunked myths about ethanol, and discussed the impact on the agriculture community.  Randy Hughes, known in the area for his Blue Farm chips and other agricultural endeavors, was also a guest on the show.  Randy is a vocal supporter of ethanol and an advocate of the continued growth and use of American ethanol.  Have a listen to the Ag-Matters Ethanol Show which aired on 5/2/15 here: //podcast.wclo.com/audio155022015.mp3

April 30, 2015

Blackhawk Technical College took a tour of our ethanol facility today.  Dan Crifase and Bobbi Bishofberger, along with our plant manager Dan Shickles, led a group of 24 welding students on a tour of our facility.  The purpose of the tour was to demonstrate real life industrial application in the trade that they are learning at Blackhawk Tech.  "The tour was excellent! Dan Shickles did a great job showing and explaining the process." said Crifase. 
We at United Ethanol would like to wish the students at Blackhawk Technical College good luck, and hopes for a bright future.  It was a pleasure meeting you all!

April 6, 2015

UE Office staff showing support of Bucky & the Badger basketball team in the NCAA Championship game.

April 1, 2015

On April 1, 2015, we received a complaint from a nearby property owner of a burnt sour odor. United Ethanol staff investigated near the property. A report was filed with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

March 20, 2015

United Ethanol achieved 700 consecutive working days without a lost time accident! To show their appreciation for a job well done, the Managers held a cookout for all employees. Great job everyone!


March 9, 2015

United Ethanol held its' Annual meeting on Monday March 9, 2015. We had a great turn out of investors and employees both. One of the highlights of the evening was the recognition of our 4 retirees. Thanks for your years of great work!

Dave Cramer CEO presented plaques to:
Cate Wyss- Administrative Assistant 7 years
Norm Scheels- Engineer 8 years
Jeff Reid- Operation Supervisor 7 years
Missing from photo is Thomas Engler- Operator 6 years

March 5, 2015

United Ethanol will be holding its' annual meeting on March 9th. We look forward to seeing all of our employees there!

February 16, 2015

On February 16, 2015 Chad Campbell joined United Ethanol as Chief Operating Officer.  Chad has 8 years of experience in the ethanol industry.  Chad has managed Vogelbusch, ICM, and Delta-T designed facilities.  Welcome aboard Chad!

February 2, 2015

Dan Shickles has accepted a new position as Plant Manager. Dan has been with United Ethanol since start up in 2007. During his time with United Ethanol he has been an integral part of advancing the technologies of the facility to sell more co-products of the ethanol production process and helped take the plant to new production highs. Congratulations Dan!